24 Feb 2019 - Johor Bahru, Miri, Kuching
After Chinese New Year, Eco Starland Group hopes to continue to make great progress in the coming year, holding several briefings in different parts of Malaysia in order to let more people know and participate in the durian project. So that everyone can get a share of the pie in the consumer market with the rising durian price.
Currently, Eco Starland Group has set up a stronghold in Mount Austin, Johor Bahru and held several briefings. It is expected to hold five more strongholds in the future to cater to the growing number of people from all over the country who are interested in the project. The first explanation meeting officially started at 8 o’clock in the evening, there were many people listening to Iven who shared about durian plan, then Alan who further talked about the details of the plan. After the briefing, many people stayed to discuss with the speaker.
In addition, Eco Starland Group also very concerned about the people in East Malaysia because many people are interested in the durian project and want to know more about it. Therefore, Wealthreel's leaders, Benn and Brandon organized a special team to hold a presentation in East Malaysia, Miri and Kuching, in the hope of providing the best help and service to interested people. As the keynote speaker, Benn not only introduced Eco Starland Group and its future development plans but also shared the latest durian market trends, which aroused the great interest of the audience and heated up the discussion.
These three seminars have been successfully concluded, which also represented a very good start. Eco Starland Group will hold seminars all over the country so that more people have the opportunity to participate in and understand that now is the best time to be a part of the durian project.
2019年2月24日 - 新山、美里、古晋讯。
目前易盛集团在新山的 Mount Austin 设立据点,举行多场说明会,预计未来将再开设5个据点来因应越来越多来自南马各地对计划感兴趣的民众。首场说明会在晚间8点正式开始,现场有许多闻讯而来的民众,专心聆听Iven分享榴梿共享计划,随后再由Alan接力,进一步畅谈计划细节。说明会结束后,许多民众意犹未尽,留在现场继续和主讲人进行讨论。