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Eco Starland Group visited Nursery Farm and the Factory 易盛集团工作人员了解育苗园和冷冻厂作业情况

August 24,2018-Bentong.

The staff of Eco Starland Group visited our Nursery Farm early in the morning. They recorded the progress of the orchard operation, and to understand the cultivation of Musang King durian. They also learned and observed the growth of the durian seedlings.

After the report and observation, the staff depart to the 300 acres land in Pahang for another site visit. They went for an operational assessment and land planning.

The last stop was the durian processing plant at Raub. The team learned about the durian freezing technology with liquid nitrogen. The fresh durians are placed into a liquid nitrogen quick-freezing machine at minus 100 degrees Celcius for an hour. The fresh durians are utilising the latest technology of blast-frozen treatment can effectively preserve the taste, moistures and quality of the fruits. The nitrogen durians can keep for up to 2 years.

After the factory visit, the team was full of bits of notes and knowledge.








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