23 February 2018, KUALA LUMPUR.
In conjunction with the celebration of Chinese New Year, Eco Starland Group held a Chinese New Year Open House at Kuala Lumpur headquarter office, attracted over 100 guests of all races who jointly celebrated this auspicious occasion. This event was enlightened with the honorable attendance of Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, the former Tourism and Information Minister of Malaysia.
An array of sumptuous food and beverage were served while the reception of the headquarter was decorated with Ang Pow decoration and blessing couplets. On top of that, all attendees were properly dressed up in the theme red and orange symbolized prosperous and great fortune all around the year. As the New Year dawns, Eco Starland Group wishing all to be blessed with overflowing happiness, prosperity and success. May this New Year bring many opportunities to explore every possibility of life, turning all your dreams into reality and efforts into great achievements.
We earnestly invite all our customers to bloom along with Eco Starland in this exciting year of Dog.
适逢农历新年新春佳节,易盛集团于马来西亚吉隆坡营运总部举办了别开生面的新春联欢会,吸引了超过100名各种族的贵宾共襄盛举,共同庆祝这个农历新春佳节。当天的联欢招待也吸引了马来西亚前旅游及新闻部长丹斯里阿卜杜尔卡迪尔(Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir)大驾光临,顿时令此庆礼蓬荜生辉。